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Pre-Adoption Application
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal / Zip code
Are you interested in a kitten, cat or any
Choose an option
Are you adopting for yourself or someone else?
Choose an option
What is your relationship to this person?
Choose an option
Have you applied anywhere else to adopt?
Choose an option
Where have you applied?
Do you own any pets at the moment?
Choose an option
Please list all your pet's names, breeds and ages
Were any of your pets obedience trained?
Choose an option
Are all your pets spayed/neutered?
Choose an option
Are all your pets up to date on their vaccinations?
Choose an option
How do you feel about spaying and neutering pets?
How many pets have you owned in the last 5-10 years?
Have you ever had a pet euthanized?
Choose an option
Please explain the situation here
What is your reason for adopting?
Choose an option
Are you familiar with heartworm and hearworm prevention?
Choose an option
What is your current residence type?
Choose an option
Do you own or rent your home?
Choose an option
Does your landlord allow pets?
Choose an option
Please provide Landlord's phone number
Including yourself, how many people live in the household?
Please list the ages and relationships of those who live with you
Does everyone in the household know you plan to adopt?
Choose an option
Is anyone in the household allergic to cats/dogs?
Choose an option
Employment Status
Choose an option
What is your current occupation?
How much do you think the annual vet bill will be?
Choose an option
What would you do if the vet bill went over that amount?
Will this pet be living inside or outside?
Choose an option
On average, about how many hours a day would your pet be alone at home?
Please explain the potential pet's living conditions
Will the animal spend any time in a garage?
Choose an option
When/why would they spend time in the garage?
Do you have a pool?
Choose an option
Please explain how you will handle housebreaking
How will you handle destructive behavior?
Will you keep your pet up to date on their vaccinations and heartworm preventatives?
Choose an option
Have you ever been convicted of abuse or neglect of a child or animal?
Choose an option
Please explain the situation here
What arrangements will you make for the care of your pets in case of an emergency?
Choose an option
What reasons would you consider returning/giving up your animal?
What would you do with your animal if you had to move?
Are you willing to take care of this animal for the next 10-20 years?
Choose an option
In case of a situation where I physically can not take care this animal no longer, I approve for this person to take care of this animal. (Please give us the first and last name and a phone number)
How did you hear about us?
Word of mouth
1st Personal Reference
2nd Personal Reference
3rd Personal Reference
Veterinarian Name and Phone Number
If you have any more questions/concerns, or just something you would like us to know, please tell us so here
I have notified all references and vet clinic that Dalis to the Rescue may contact them over the next two week or so
I understand that if I did not answer a question that was asked, I will not be considered for this animal
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